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I groaned as I cracked open my eyes, then shut them again. This was one hell of a headache I had going on. Now, why was my neck so stiff? Scrunching up my nose, I peeked through my eyelids. It took my eyes some time to focus.
I wish it took longer.
I yelped and jerked my head back from the disgusting yellow teeth and straggly beard grinning a few centimeters away from my nose.
"Ah, sleeping beauty finally wakes." It said and I blanched at the rancid smell. Leaning back as far as I could, I looked up at the face of Barbossa. I immediately moved to grab my sword- but my hand didn't respond. Looking down, I found my hands were bound to the arms of a chair. I growled and thrashed, memories clouding my mind. Barbossa chuckled,
"She really is a feisty one, Jack." Forcing myself to relax, I looked around me. We were in a cabin and Jack was standing opposite me and the blasted pirate. Holding an apple and concern flashing in his eyes, he tried to look calm. Before I could ponder this, a hand tugged at my hair. I flinched as I realized it was Barbossa's. With long strokes, he played with my follicles. It was then that I became painfully aware that my head was bare, no hat to be seen.
"Now who's a wee little lass?" He leered tauntingly. I glared at him as his finger began tracing over my cheek.
Wait for it... Wait for it...
His finger trailed over my lips.
I launched at him, latching onto his finger like an animal. He howled in pain and surprise, trying to yank his finger away. I just got a firmer grip and clamped harder, growling like a rabid dog. Only when I tasted the tang of his rotted blood did I release him. He pulled away and tended to his broken finger. I glared at him, lip curled and teeth bared. Gathering his decayed blood with my tongue, I deposited it onto the nearest pirate.
"Lock her in the brig! I'll deal with her later!" Barbossa roared. Just then, an unsuspecting pirate poked his head around the door,
"We're approaching the Interceptor, Captain!"
"Oh! Shall we scurry over and negotiate the return of the medallion then?" Jack asked; worry unconcealed on his face. He immediately shrank back at Barbossa's glare.
"One thing that I find, Jack, is that people are easier to search when they're dead!" He cackled, "Take him as well!"

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