when plans don't go accordingly

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I looked up to the face of James pointing his weapon at me. With a sigh, I shakily stood. Whatever it was that came from that medallion seemed to affect me. I looked out at the sea. If anything, the call had gotten stronger. I subconsciously fiddled with my necklace, trying to ignore the painful howling of my heart. Mr. Swann hurried to his daughter and wrapped her with his jacket,
"I'm fine. Yes- I'm fine!" She almost growled at her father. She turned to James, "Commodore Norrington, do you intend to kill my rescuer?" I gave her a pointed glare.
"Rescuers." She corrected herself. Meh, good enough. James paused for a moment before sheathing his sword and sticking out his hand,
"I believe thanks are in order."
The man hesitatingly took it, and with good reason. Once he gave it a shake, James grabbed the man's hand and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a P-shaped brand.
"Had a brush with the East Indian Trading Company- pirate?" He spat. Why am I not surprised? Instantly, guns are trained on the man. He winced.
"Hang him!" Cried Mr. Swann, voice a mere squeak.
"Keep your guns on him, lads, Gillete fetch the... Restraining irons." James seemed to notice something else as he pulled the sleeve further up to reveal a tattoo of a bird in flight across the water.
"Well, well... Jack Sparrow isn't it?"
"Captain Jack Sparrow." I snapped. I frowned when I realized what I had said. I didn't even know him! James seemed to realize I was still there and a murderous look spread across his face.
"You!" He growled, shoving Jack to be bound with rope. I stepped back and played innocent,
"You're the one that steals from the guards! The one that keeps them afraid of their beds!" I glanced around myself, throwing up my hands,
"I'm sorry, you must have the wrong person." With a growl, James suddenly yanked me towards him and grabbed my necklace from its hiding place, dangling it in front of my nose.
"Oh really? You sold me this, then stole it from my very neck!" He spat. I noticed Jack raised his eyebrows at this. Gently pushing his hands off, I stepped away from James and spread out my arms,
"Alright, I stole back my necklace. Kill me for it!"
"It's not yours if you sold it to someone else!" I lifted my finger,
"Ah, I sold it to you, but for the rental price. It's your fault for not asking for the buyers' price." James frowned at my rambling. I heard a snort behind me and looked over to see Jack trying not to laugh. I returned to James, this time with a smirk,
"If that's all, I'll be going now." I tried to walk past, but the guards barred my way.
"You may have escaped the gallows once, but not again."
"I saved her life!" I cried as the guards wrestled with me. I had done nothing wrong, on whose authority was he doing this? But James' smirk was wide as he hit me with the phrase I could only wish to be erased from my life
"One good deed is not enough to redeem yourself from murder."

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