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"We're devils, black sheep, really bad eggs
Drink up me hearties, yo ho!"
We all howled to the starry night sky as we danced around the roaring fire. Well- Elizabeth danced, Jack and I just stumbled about.
"Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me!"
"I love this song!" Jack declared loudly as he grabbed my arm and twirled me around. I laughed, making it seem like I didn't want to cut out my stomach and never eat again. Jack drunkenly fell, making me plonk onto the sand with him. I tugged my shirt back onto my shoulders, it was still a ripped mess. Elizabeth pranced over and placed herself onto the sand beside us.
"When I get the Pearl back, I'll teach it to the whole crew and we'll sing it all the time!" Jack told me excitedly with an overly wide grin.
"And you'll be positively the most fearsome pirate in the Spanish Main!" Elizabeth exclaimed. Jack looked at her as if just realizing she was there,
"Not just the Spanish Main, Luv. The entire ocean..."
"The entire world," I said dreamily, leaning my head on his shoulder. Jack beamed as his arm wrapped around me,
"Exactly. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's exactly what a ship is, you know. Not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship really is... What the Black Pearl really is. Is freedom." He gestured with his hand as he spoke. I nuzzled deeper into his shoulder, enjoying his strong arm around me and desperately trying to keep the vomit down.
"It must have been horrible for you to have been trapped on this island," Elizabeth said, keeping her distance from Jack. Jack reacted as if he had just seen her again, then pressed his lips to my temple,
"It's not as bad as last time. And the scenery's improved." He mumbled against my skin. I shifted to gaze half-lidded up at him. I grinned and held up my bottle in toast,
"To freedom! To the Black Pearl!" I cried. Jack grinned even wider,
"Aye!" He clanked our bottles and began to gulp his down. I feigned a drink and watched as he passed out.
"That was some really good acting." Elizabeth complimented. Now that the bird was asleep, I let my muscles relax. I looked at her, my eyes hazy, my face drooping. I tried rubbing it to clear my fuzzy head. It didn't work well, but I left my hand there, too tired to move it.
"You should sleep, you don't look very well." I nodded as much as I could at her suggestion.
"I just need to go... do stuff," I informed her. She nodded and got up, moving away to her do her own business. As soon as she was out of sight, I ran to the water and heaved up everything in my stomach. I felt disgusting and claustrophobic, gulping in air to try and release the sense. I eventually moved away from the vomit-infected waters and took off anything I didn't want to get wet. Wading out once more, I fell to my knees and splashed water onto my face, still gasping for air. After a long while, I finally felt the smog lift. Relief settled in my chest, welcomingly making itself comfortable as slumber laced my eyelids. With a sigh, I finally waded back to shore. Barely drying myself, I laid back next to Jack and stared at the stars.
How long ago had it been since I had breathed the air of Port Royal? When was the last time Will and I had crossed swords in friendly banter? When had I dodged James and his men for some or other crime I had committed?
A tired, content smile lifted my lips. How life could propel you into something you never expected. And yet, it could be exactly what you wanted.

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