Wet... again

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"The Dauntless is far too big, if we want a quick trip we need the Interceptor. She's been loaded with enough food and such to last a good crew on this journey. We need to figure out how to get her out of here without being attacked." I briefed as we peeked out from under the bridge. Jack glanced at Will with raised brows,
"She knows her stuff." He commented. A smirk tugged at my lips, then I hummed in deep thought,
"We need a distraction, something that will keep the guards busy for long enough to get her out to... Sea." My heart leaped in its confinement. Could this be it? Could I finally succeed in making it out to the open water?
"We're going to steal a ship? That ship?" Will asked, looking at the Dauntless. I gave him a withering look,
"Did you hear a word I just said? And it's 'commandeer' not 'steal'." Jack grinned,
"Listen to the girl, mate." He then gave Will a critical look, "A quick question about your business, boy. How far are you willing to go to save this girl?" Will didn't hesitate,
"I'd die for her."
"Good, no worries for you." He looked expectantly at me.
"I'm just here to get out on the water." There was no way I was letting him know how close I was to Elizabeth. He clearly wasn't expecting that and studied me,
"Okay." He said after a moment, turning to scan the sand.
"There!" He suddenly pointed, "We can get to the Dauntless underneath that." My eyes widened,
"Underneath that? You want us to go underneath that?" Will, with a blasted smirk, quipped,
"Did you hear a word he just said?"
Oh, he was in for it.
I curled my lip at him before asking,
"You're sure that will work?" Jack grinned,
"Trust me, luv, it will." I gave a sigh,
"And I thought I was wacko."

I grunted as my foot tingled with pins and needles, making my cramped position between the two men even more uncomfortable. Boats were the worst hiding places. Jack looked back to shush me and I forced my retort down, teeth nibbling at my lip as I impatiently waited for Jack's signal.
I stumbled to my feet, struggling to stay in a stooped position with the full weight of the rowing boat pressing against my back. I briefly wondered how funny we looked; a capsized sloop that had decided to become a caterpillar.
'What. Fun.' I thought
With awkward steps, we hurried into the sea. I hissed as the salty water pricked my wounds.
"You okay?" Will asked. Jack looked over his shoulder at me.
"Never better." My voice unintendedly sounded strained as I squirmed slightly.
Now the tricky part, to be unseen we had to be underwater. How was a boat supposed to do that?
But my worries were unnecessary; as soon as we were deep enough our combined body weight made it easier to stay down. Do not ask me how that works.
"This is either madness or brilliance," Will commented.
"It's remarkable how those two traits coincide," Jack replied.
I looked back to see Will's foot caught in a crab trap.
"Woah, stop," I said.
"We don't have time for this." Said Jack as Will tried to get his foot free.
"I'm more worried about whoever's watching the buoy than time." I shot back at him. With one last yank, Will finally got his foot free and we hurried on.

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