Pick the lock (or take the whole door)

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Jack was still trying to get that lock picked with the stupid dog bone. I rolled my eyes at his feeble attempts and pleas.
"First of all, you need something much smaller. Secondly, you need something like a... Key?" I jabbed. Jack glared at me. The sound of the door latch opening cut off his answer and he immediately took to lounging on the floor. I would have done so too had my back been less painful.
"You, Sparrow!" Will cried.
"Aye." Jack lazily replied.
"Will! Where's Liz?!" I demanded. Will, despite his visible relief to see me, hissed in frustration,
"Taken." He turned his attention to Jack, "Are you familiar with the Black Pearl?"
"Heard of it."
"Where does it berth?"
"Isla de Muerta." I blurted out. Then furrowed my brow. That's the second time...
"Well, it's an island that cannot be found- except by those who already know where it is." Jack continued for me. 
"Ship's real, therefore this Isla de Muerta is real. Where is it?" Will demanded.
"Why ask me?" Jack studied his nails nonchalantly.
"Because you're a pirate."
"Plan to turn pirate yourself?"
"Never!" Will snapped. I smirked,
"It's because Elizabeth's been taken by the Pearl." I crooned. He glared at me. I get that a lot.
"Ah! So it is a girl! Well, if you wish to hasten to her rescue and win fair lady's heart- you'll have to go it alone. I see no profit for me."
"He can get us out of here" I piped up. Jack looked curious,
"How's that the key's runoff."
"Courtesy of a certain sparrow," I muttered.
"These are half pin barrel hinges, with the right leverage," Will propped up a bench in the door, "And strength, they'll come right off." Jack was silent for a moment.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Will Turner." For a moment I thought I saw a flash of recognition in Jack's eyes. Then he leaned forward and it was gone,
"Short for William I imagine, good strong name. No doubt for your father, eh?" Will paused,
"Yes." Jack hummed, then stood,
"Well, Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind. You spring me from this cell and I swear, on pain of death, that I will take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?" He stuck out his hand, grinning. Will looked at it suspiciously, then grasped it,
"We have an accord."
"Great! Get me out." I jumped to my feet in excitement. Will heaved his weight onto the bench and it lifted the door clean off. I jumped out and tossed Jack his effects along with a sword for myself before he delayed us. He seemed surprised.
"Good lass, that one." He murmured to Will, "She free?" He paused at Will's withering look and backed off.

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