Brigs tell stories

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"There goes that plan." I groaned. I was untied and wrestled down the steps, Jack following shortly after me to the brig. The Bosun flashed his hideous teeth as he shoved us into an incredibly small cell. The big, burly black pirate slammed the door in my face, much to his amusement.
"Apparently there's a leak," Jack commented, looking down at the water swirling around our ankles. The Bosun merely left us to our confinement.
"Bloody pirates." I hissed, kicking the bars, "They should at least know how to take care of a bloody ship."
"Aye." Jack agreed, peering through a hole in the hull. I sank down the wood into the water and leaned my head back. The water was cold- but to hell with it.
"I must say, I don't think I've ever had a worse sight to wake up to than that," I remarked. Jack couldn't help the smile that stretched his face.
"You make a good pirate lass." He said. I grinned,
"Why thank you." He looked at me in mock surprise,
"You're taking that as a compliment?"
"Well, you wouldn't be alive if I didn't," I smirked. He chuckled and got comfortable next to me. It was silent for a moment.
"Where'd you get the necklace?" He said, fiddling with his thumbs.
"I don't know." I replied truthfully, "I've had it all my life. I somehow managed to hide it when..." I trailed off, staring at my fidgeting fingers. My situation was not something I talked about. My throat always seemed to swell whenever I tried.
"Was it bad?" Jack questioned.
"Very," I whispered, zoning out slightly. I was brought back to earth when I felt Jack's arm slide around my shoulders. It had been a while since I'd had a hug like this, and I realized how much I missed the physical contact. I leaned into his arms, trying not to whimper at the flood of emotions. He rested his chin on my head and relaxed.
"How do you cope when such hardship comes your way, Jack?" I whispered against the fabric, tears pricking my eyes. He shifted a little,
"I just close my eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream." He whispered, "But it certainly does help when there's a friend involved." I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling myself relax.
Suddenly, I let out a yelp as we were thrown against the hull. The commotion from above could easily be heard and Jack scurried to the peephole again.
"It's the Interceptor!" He told me. I tried shoving him out the way (to no avail) when I heard the threatening roars of the pirates above. But it was one shout that stood out above the rest,
"Fire!" I heard Barbossa cry. My eyes widened and I pulled Jack away from the peephole just as a box made it significantly larger.
"Stop blowing holes in my ship!" Jack roared indignantly. Crouching in the murky saltwater, I fished out the box,
"They're shooting boxes," I stated. "Why are they shooting boxes?" Jack frowned as he looked around. He picked up a flask and tried to take a swig; his face scrunched in dissatisfaction when he realized it was empty.

The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now