Corset crisis

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As soon as my feet hit the water, I opened my eyes. The salty liquid stung my eyes and my vision was blurry, but I managed to spot Elizabeth. She was rapidly sinking to the ocean floor, her body weighted by the inferior clothing. I swam as quickly as I could over to her and turned her to face me. She seemed unconscious, her hair spreading into the water as if it were a bird finally free. Just as I was about to pull her to the surface; I looked at her neck. There, hanging by a gold chain, was a medallion. Not just any medallion; a pirate medallion. I stared at it, forgetting where I was, a few bubbles leaking from my mouth. Then I felt it.
I don't know what it was, but it wasn't promising. It felt like an invisible wave that tore at my heartstrings. I had the sudden urge to take the medallion, but a splash overhead distracted me. Snapping back to reality, I hauled Elizabeth to the surface. Or tried to. As I swam through the water, her dress dragged her down and me with it. Desperately trying to get it off without a knife, my fingers fumbled. Until a large, yet delicate and strong, pair of hands shoved mine out of the way. Turning to see their owner, I realized he was the man from this morning! He grabbed her dress and ripped it like it were paper. Breaking away from my thoughts, I immediately helped him bring her to air. We made our way to the jetty and he hauled her up. Two guards in their red coats rushed over.
"She's not breathing!" One cried. Spotting a knife in the guard's boot, I grabbed it and used it to cut Elizabeth's corset. Yanking it off, I tossed it away somewhere. Although an intaken breath gave away its position.
"Never woulda thought of that." The guard said dumbly as Elizabeth coughed up water. I leaned back on my haunches when I saw this.
"Clearly you've never been to Singapore." The man said. I really need to learn his name. I gulped in air as the freezing wind snapped at me. Wind? When was there wind? The last time I checked it was sunny! I looked around me. The day seemed to have been triggered by someone, as it had turned stormy.
"Where did you get that?" Asked the man, now holding Elizabeth's medallion. I frowned.
Or something.
"What was that?" I asked Elizabeth. Her eyes flicked to the medallion and back to me. I rolled my eyes,
"No, what came from it." Before she could answer, we were interrupted by the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

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