Tortuga trouble

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"What do you think?" Asked Jack as we walked through Tortuga. I looked around at the chaos of men and women amidst the smoke and smell of rum.
"It'll longer," said Will.
"Smell definitely will," I murmured.
"Let me tell you, mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted." He broke off as a woman with red hair and in a blushing dress strode up to us, eyes set on Jack.
"Scarlet!" He went to greet her.
"Lives up to her name," I remarked to Will.
I looked back to realize Jack had been slapped by the woman.
"Not sure I deserved that." I gave a very subtle cough. Jack gave a quick glare before turning to see a blonde wrench standing in front of him.
"Giselle." He smiled at her. She gave a fake smile,
"Who's she?" Jack played dumb,
"I may have deserved that." I rolled my eyes,
"She's a lady, of course she has a bloody reason." Jack took offense at my sarcastic comments and raised his finger in my direction. Then, realizing my words rang true, shook it at me while his face scrunched in petty defeat. I smirked victoriously and gestured for him to lead the way.

Time skip

The barfly sleeping in the pigpen gasped and spluttered,
"Curse ye fer breathing, ye slack-jawed idiot!" He roared. I gasped,
"Mr. Gibbs!" His look of rage turned to one of surprise,
"Lassie!" He grinned, "Taking up the ol' family tradition, eh?" I frowned,
"Say what?" But Mr. Gibbs seemed to have suddenly turned deaf,
"Jack! Ye know better than ta wake the sleeping! It's bad luck!"
"Ah, fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who does the waking buys the man a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it, while listening to a proposition by the man who did the waking." Gibbs paused,
"Aye, that'll about do it." Jack helped him up.
"Blast it, I'm already awake!" Roared Gibbs.
"That was for the smell." Stated Will, holding a bucket. Gibbs shrugged.

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