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"Keep a sharp eye." Said Jack, walking off to sit with Gibbs at a table in the shadows. I looked around at the men and women going about their... Business. With nothing better to do, I eavesdropped on their conversation.
"What makes you think Barbossa'll give up his ship to you?" I heard Gibbs ask.
"Let's just say it's a matter of leverage," Jack responded. He started gesturing to us with his head and I tried to look innocent.
"(Y/N)? Jack, that's suicide!" Gibbs hissed. Unease pooled in my stomach. Jack looked confused,
"(Y/N)? Mr. Gibbs, the only... Leverage we have is the son of Bootstrap Bill." I zoned out at that point, not wanting to hear more. What did Gibbs know? Why was he hiding it? I subconsciously fiddled with my necklace. It always did bring a sense of comfort. There was another pang in my heart, this time a wish to see my father, my mother- my family. Bringing it to my lips, I closed my eyes,
"Where are you?" I whispered against the warm ornament.
The feeling of changing pressure slammed onto my ears.
My eyes snapped open. It was dark, looming over my presence. Breathing down the back of my neck. Silver light flitted across the water, few and far between. The moan of a ship riding through the water brought my senses to my occupation. I gripped the wheel, standing on the poopdeck. The wind breathed through me, swaying my frail body with it. Cold numbness stroked my fingers, darkness filled my chest, grey coated my eyes.
No light. No warmth.
But I must find it. I must...
I jumped at Will's voice,
"Are you alright?" I nodded,
"Yes... Yes, I'm fine." He looked dubious but left me alone. I stared down at the necklace, rubbing a fin with my finger. What did it show me? Did it have some sort of hidden power? I sighed and stuffed it back into my shirt, trying to forget about it all.

The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now