Can't you just do as you're told?

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We climbed to the cave opening and peered through. A man stood at the top of a pile of treasure. I shivered as I realized he was the dreaded Barbossa.
"Gentleman! The time has come! Our salvation is nigh! Our torment is near an end!" He cackled.
"Elizabeth." Will breathed. I saw her being escorted to Barbossa by the same two pirates that had come to the prison. Will moved to rescue her but was restrained by Jack and me.
"Will!" I hissed, "Not yet!" After a few moments, he relented. Jack moved away from the cave opening,
"We wait for the opportune moment." He murmured to us. I followed Jack to the boats with a reluctant Will behind.
"When's that? When it's of greatest profit to you?" Will snapped. Jack seemed fed up,
"May I ask you something? Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?"
"Yes." I chirped. Jack frowned at me.
"Do us a favour, I know it's difficult for you but please, stay here... And try not to do anything stupid." With that, he motioned for me to follow him and moved away. We moved around the cave wall, out of sight. We could see the other pirates; so we spoke in hushed voices,
"Why do you need me here? Will's not one to stay put." I whispered.
"Because those two reacted to your necklace. If they were so scared of it, who knows how scared Barbossa will be?" Jack explained.
"Any idea why?" I asked. Jack shook his head and asked me a question instead,
"How is it you know Gibbs?"
"I don't quite remember- it was so long ago- I just know that he knew my mother. I think I first met him in prison. But whenever I ask, he suddenly goes stone deaf." I grunted in frustration. Jack sighed and chewed his lip. We watched as Elizabeth's hand was exposed to the knife.
"Begun by blood, by blood undone!" Cried Barbossa, raising the knife.
I whipped around to see Jack lying on the floor, unconscious. Will stood with an oar in his hand,
"Will!" I hissed in surprise. He looked up at me, saw something to the left, and darted away. Before I could follow, a pirate stepped out from the shadows. I won't bother to describe him as he would find it very offensive. I gulped, this wasn't going to end well. Resisting the urge to grab my sword, I lunged at the man with my fists. If a single sound was heard, Jack's work would be for nothing. The pirate had no choice but to block my hands with his own and we began to wrestle. If he tried calling out or reaching for his sword, I would force his attention back to me. We moved back a bit, giving me a clear view of a monkey. It seemed distressed and was pointing to something. Still dodging and giving blows, I caught sight of Will and Elizabeth making their escape. If Barbossa looked now they would be spotted, and I didn't want to think about what would happen next. I had to distract them.
With a cry, I drew my sword and drove it into the pirate's chest. To my surprise, he pulled it out. 
"Oh right, the curse," I mumbled. His eyes flicked over my shoulder and he grinned. Dread pooled in my stomach,
"Oh, thundering typhoons."

The Curse of the Black PearlWhere stories live. Discover now