Bloody pirates

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"You couldn't have been a tad earlier?" I quipped to Will with a pained grin, clasping my hand against my injury. Now that I had the time to look, I realized how lucky I was that it hadn't hit my chest or bones. It snaked from the middle of my bicep, cutting in an almost straight line to rest just below my collarbone. Applying pressure was useless; it was simply too long for it to be effective. Blood oozed onto my clothes, soaking my shirt and overcoat. Elizabeth came over and moved my hand away, eyes wide at the sight of the damage. I gave her an unimpressed look,
"The reason why I told James to do what he did was to keep you out of harm's way," I hissed as she moved the cloth sticking to my clotting blood, "was so that I wouldn't do crazy things like that." She rose her brows at me,
"You're my best friend. It comes with the package." I smiled at her choice of words, gently ushering her away from my injury. She turned to the boys,
"We should return to the Dauntless." Will's lips pursed at this,
"Yes, I believe your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe." Elizabeth's face turned to one of hurt before she walked away.
"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it," Jack told Will, then began prancing over the coins with as much of it as he could carry, "Now, if you'll be so kind, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship. With (Y/N) in tow." He smiled, grinning excitedly at me. My lips lifted uncontrollably with his.
"You're leaving?!" Cried Elizabeth.
Oh bugga.
I winced as I turned to her, unable to meet her eyes as I nodded. Her face twisted in betrayal,
"You're my friend, (Y/N), you can't leave!" I walked down to her with a sigh,
"I know. But this is what I need, Elizabeth. It's my dream. I can't keep running now that I've found a way to achieving it. Besides, if I return to Port Royal, I'll be locked up once more and they'll throw away the key. I'll never see the sun, feel the wind, or talk to you ever again. There's just... Nothing left for me, Elizabeth." Her features dropped in sad understanding. Closing the distance between us, she enveloped me in a hug. I returned it, knowing it may be the last we'd ever share.
"You'll always be my friend," I whispered. I could feel her chest quiver, fighting to hide her tears. I retracted from the embrace, a burning in my eyes, "Don't do that, you're going to make me cry as well." We both burst into a fit of giggles before I ushered everyone to get into the boat.
We rowed out of the cave, my eyes peeled for the Black Pearl. This was it, the next chapter of my life, the beginning of my life as a true pirate. The beginning of my swashbuckling adventure as a proper member of a ship.
"It's not here." My eyes darted around. That couldn't be right. "Why isn't it here?"
"Gibbs and the rest of the crew took it," Elizabeth said, "I'm sorry, Jack." Jack was slumped in his seat, the crown now a weight on his head,
"They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that." Dread settled in my chest, dragging down my face,
"We're going to Port Royal after all."

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