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"Deeaad men tell noooo tales!"
Mr. Cotton's parrot squawked in alarm at the shattered bottle, flying out of reach from my aim. I glared at the bird, then returned my gaze to the bodies of ships resting below the surface. I shifted when Will solemnly joined,
"How do you think she's coping?" I asked. He and I rarely spoke to each other, but we did have the most wonderful fighting sessions. I would describe our relationship as a more I-know-your-name sort. The only reason we'd ever met was simply because Elizabeth demanded we be friends. Will showed me how to sword fight, and we could keep a good conversation going, but whenever Elizabeth came into the picture I stepped right out. The dark-haired man was madly in love with her, I would simply get in the way.
"Knowing her, she's probably fighting." He replied, jaw slightly tensed in worry. I nodded with a smirk,
"Are you okay? With your dad being a pirate and all?" Will considered this,
"I don't know how to feel about it."
"I'm sure he had his reasons, Will. What matters is that he was a good man. Besides, it was his life, you cannot control what other people do. You can either let that get you down, or you can strive to be the best man you can be." Will's orbs glistened with gratitude,
"Thanks, (Y/N)." I smiled, letting him know he was welcome. We fell into silence with the grave fog embracing the ship.
I glanced over my shoulder at the sound of footsteps.
"Puts a chill in the bones, how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage," Gibbs said gravely. Will nodded in silent agreement, gazing at the treacherous rocks.
I leaned over the railing. The stretching mast of a wrecked ship grazed our hull as though it could give the wood some memories of the world above. A sigh blew through my nostrils as I watched Jack check his compass before closing it and concentrating on getting through the graveyard.
"How did Jack come by that compass?" Will asked as he and Gibbs broke away from the railing. I trailed after, curious.
"Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the Aztec gold." Said Gibbs, happy for a story, "That was before I met him, when he was captain of the Black Pearl." He began taking swigs from his wineskin.
"What?" Murmured Will. Gibbs, realizing what he had just said, almost choked on his rum. Will hummed, "He failed to mention that."
"So Barbossa was his first mate?" I blurted before I could stop myself. Gibbs did choke this time, spraying his booze,
"Where'd ya hear that?" He hacked. I frowned,
"I didn't." Gibbs looked at me curiously,
"What else do ya know?" I contemplated that for a moment. My eyes drifted to Jack and I studied him for a long while. What was it that the commodore had said?
"One pistol, one shot. There was a mutiny, wasn't there?" I looked at Gibbs for confirmation. He just looked surprised, so I explained as I leaned on the mast,
"He was put on an island and given the pistol with one shot, a captain wouldn't have that done to him unless there was a mutiny." Gibbs pursed his lips and sat down, but not before I heard him mutter under his breath,
"Too much like your mother, ya are"
"You knew my-?" I began. Gibbs suddenly turned deaf,
"Aye, there was a mutiny. Three days into the venture too. See, Barbossa told Jack things 'bout fair share and Jack gave up the bearings. That night was the mutiny. They marooned Jack and left him to die. He escaped, but not before he'd gone mad with the heat." 

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