Who put a bee in your bonnet?

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The wind was roaring, the sea churning, the darkness overwhelming. The rain lashed and thunder snarled. It was all hands on deck and still we struggled to stay afloat on the madly bucking surf. I yanked ropes, ran around, and even stopped the little person from flying overboard. Jack stood at the helm, facing the storm head-on. I was at the mast, tying yet another rope. The sea sprayed and spat at me.
"Love ya too." I murmured as a particularly wet wave smashed into me. Picking up my sodden hat, I jammed it back onto my head and sloshed towards the helm.
"We should pull up canvas, Captain!" I called. His head jerked up when I called him that and he grinned,
"She can hold a little longer!" He checked his compass. For a moment he seemed confused. He tapped it, then looked satisfied. I nodded and trudged away.
"Don't work yerself too hard, lass!" He shouted after me. I couldn't help but smirk.

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