A rerouted course

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I stooped at the far side of the cave, examining the treasure. Pretending to find something I liked, I scratched through the piles of gold, silver, and bronze. Jack came over, almost touching my side as he played along with my act.
"If it doesn't work, we go through with the accord." I whispered to him, "But only when Elizabeth is safe." He nodded. Noticing Barbossa wasn't watching, he pushed his hand close to mine and pressed something to my fingers. I felt it first before giving his own a gentle squeeze of thanks and pocketing the cursed coin.
"First thing I'm going to do when we get back to the Pearl is name you first mate." He promised. I looked at him in surprise,
"I thought you were joking." He smirked,
"Luv, you're a born pirate. It's got to be in your blood." I felt my face flush at the compliment.
"Alright, but you have to help with the cleaning up and repairing the poor girl. She looks like she belongs on the seafloor right now."
"You don't have to tell me twice." He chuckled and walked away.

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