Swords never drip with water

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"You never know when an honest man will do something incredibly... Stupid." Jack grabbed a nearby pirate's sword and shoved him into the water, tossing the sword to Will. I whipped out my own and caught the sword for Will, slashed the pirate away, then cut the bonds and handed Will the blade. Barbossa was too stunned to react and I used that time to gain the upper hand on the three attacking Will and I.
We locked in a furious, gruelling battle. But I could feel the effects of the curse. I no longer felt the wind, the water, nor the thrill of life. I didn't feel tired, yet I still felt pain. I was now evenly matched to my opponents. Well, the odds were kinda in my favour... Really in my favour. I had now figured out that the more dissected the cursed were; the more disoriented they became. Imagine keeping track of your arm doing one thing in an entirely different place with no bearings to the rest of your body. That's kind of what it felt like.
Forcing one of the pirates back; I realized Will had frozen, staring at something. I looked over to see Jack as a skeleton with a sword sticking out of his chest. I smirked at Will's astonishment. I nudged him,
"Oi." He snapped out of it and stared at me, "It's not polite to stare." I told him. With that, I ran to the two captains. Barbossa had fallen onto a rock dripping with coins and he glared up at Jack, face skeletal in the moonlight.
"So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals, locked in an epic battle 'til judgement day? Hmm?" He asked, raising his chin haughtily.
"Or you could surrender," Jack replied.
"Jack, duck!" I cried. He looked over his shoulder and hastily did as told. I leaped over his cowering frame, twisting into a flip and freeing the bottle of acid while I performed my stunt. I landed squarely in front of Barbossa. His wide eyes told me I too had turned gaunt and bony, so I splashed the acid into them. Judging by his howls, he got a lot of it in his eyes. Gripping his cutlass, he swung wildly at me. It missed by an inch. I returned the attack and we were off once more; Jack and I in perfect harmony. If one fell, the other covered. If one distracted; the other attacked. Barbossa was helplessly outmatched, though he fought valiantly. Water splashed around our feet as our feud moved us across the cave.
I whipped around to see Will and Elizabeth bounding to the chest of Cortés. Unfortunately, this gave Barbossa, almost blind and oblivious to the boy's actions, time to slash my arm. I cried out and pressed my hand against the injury.
"(Y/N)! The coin!" Jack cried. My eyes widened and I grabbed the cool metal, coating it in my blood from the open wound. Barbossa, finally catching up with the chain of events, watched as I threw it into the 880 coins in the chest. Jack threw his to Will, who caught it with ease. Barbossa, unwilling to give up, grabbed his pistol and trained it on Elizabeth.
"NO!" I launched myself at him. I grappled for his pistol, placing myself between the two.
I flinched, eyes wide, at the loud sound resonating through the cave. We all froze, not daring to breathe. The mutinous captain turned to see the smoking pistol in Jack Sparrow's hands.
"Ten years you carry that pistol. And now you waste your shot." Barbarossa smirked.
"He didn't waste it." Called Will. I gladly let go of the man so he could gaze upon his doom. The clink of metal against metal as the coins fell resonated throughout the cave. Barbossa dropped his weapons, pulling open his overcoat to reveal a growing red splotch over his chest. He looked at Jack in amazement, relief, and wonder.
"I feel." He whispered, voice wobbling, "Cold." And with that, he fell back onto his final resting place. On the gold that was his very greed, the treasure that was his undoing.

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