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"No! Wait!" Jack cried, raising his bound hands in defense.
The ropes fell to his feet and he stared at them, bewildered. His eyes widened comically as I grabbed his arm, letting out a yelp as I pulled him with me. I shoved past the astonished guards to the edge of the battlement. With a smirk, I swiveled back to Norrington,
"I'll never work as a mere cabin girl under your command, James Norrington, when I have the whole world at my fingertips! Having said that; this is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught First Mate (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Captain Jack Sparrow!" I gave a two-finger salute and whooped as I  leaped off the verge into the sheer drop. Faintly hearing the captain giving Will a quip before he pursued his freedom with me. We hit the water with a splash, salt exploding on my tongue as my mouth refused to move from its wide beam.
I broke the surface of the water, face to face with Jack. He looked over my shoulder, grinning in pure joy at the sight of his beloved ship sailing towards him. With shared excitement, we struck through the water to the Black Pearl. Upon reaching it, we craned our necks backward as a rope was thrown towards us. To my surprise, Jack wrapped his arm around me, guiding my hands to the rope, before gripping it himself. Our wet clothes rubbing against each other, we were yanked upward by the crew. Water sprayed everywhere as we finally landed on the deck of the Black Pearl. The soaked captain turned to Gibbs,
"I thought you were supposed to keep to the Code?" He gave a thankful nod to the men as they slipped a coat over his shoulders. Gibbs gave his knowing smile,
"Well, we figured they were more actual guidelines anyway." He turned to me, "Yer ma would have been proud of ya, lassie. She was a pirate herself." I smiled remorsefully,
"I thought so." I was still annoyed by his secrecy but decided not to let it dampen the moment.
"Captain Sparrow," Anamaria called, "the Black Pearl is yours." Jack proudly sauntered to the wheel, caressing it fondly. Realizing we were all staring at him, he barked out,
"On deck, you scabrous dogs! Man the braces! Let down and haul to run free! And get the rum ready; there's a new first mate tonight!" The crew cheered as they scurried to do as told. I laughed, making my way up the mainmast to stand at the pirate's flag. Drawing my telescope, I trained it on the settlement to see Norrington looking defeated as he and his men walked away. Will and Elizabeth, on the other hand, held each other in a loving kiss. I quickly wolf-whistled, wondering if they would hear me. To my surprise, they both turned in my direction with bright smiles, raising their hands in farewell.
"They can bloody well see me," I muttered incredulously. Swapping my telescope for a handkerchief, I let it fly in the wind in acknowledgment,
"Fair winds and following seas, my friends. Fair winds and following seas."
Yes, I was a pirate. Yes, I wasn't the best of people. Yes, I stole, lied, and cheated.
But what was the point of living if you merely existed?

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