A lecture in pirating

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Once we got to the Dauntless we climbed up the stern and jumped over the railing onto the poop deck, which all seemed surprisingly easy in the big picture. Jack drew his pistol and Will his sword.
"Everybody stay calm! We are taking over this ship." Jack announced as he walked down the stairs to the midship where Gillette and some men stood.
"Aye! Avast!" Cried Will, horribly attempting pirating as he leveled his sword on his arm. The men just laughed. I cuffed him on the back of the head as I strode past him, stepping in front of the two men. I unsheathed my sword and gave it a twirl before leaning on it like a cane,
"Right, unless you gentleman want to find yourselves a head shorter and guts strewn on the deck, I suggest you leave now," I said. Jack applauded,
"That's how it's done." He lectured Will. Gillette stepped forward, nervously eyeing me,
"This ship cannot be crewed by three. You'll never make it out of the bay." Jack smirked as he pointed his pistol at Gillette's face, much to my pleasure,
"Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." He cocked his gun, "Savvy?" Gillette and his men hurried into the longboat with little persuasion.
"I'll take that," I said to Gillette as he stepped over the rail. I grabbed his hat, leveling my sword at his throat to cut off his protests. I flipped it onto my head and turned to Jack,
"How do I look?" I asked. He seemed skeptical for a moment. I took it off and cut off the yellow bits with a dagger, then placed it on my head again. Jack grinned and nodded. As the boys set the sails and such, I ransacked the ship for clothes. There was no way I was passing up a chance like this, I was still barefoot and in my semi-bloodied shirt. I found a good belt, dust-colored shirt, and leather v-neck sleeveless overcoat. I also slipped some black breeches, along with a pair of brown boots, and stuffed it all into a bag. Slinging it onto my shoulder, I ran out to help Jack and Will.

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