Into Death's jaws

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Jack took over from me as we entered the cave of Isla de Muerta. I lit a lamp on the end of the boat and kept a weather eye out for rocks and such. Will did so as well and grimaced as he spotted a skeleton with a sword stuck in its back.
"What code is Gibbs to keep to, if the worst should happen?" He asked Jack.
"Pirate's code. Any man who falls behind stays behind." Jack replied.
"No heroes amongst thieves, eh?" Will remarked.
"You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to becoming one." Jack goaded, "Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew from Tortuga..." He paused as circles of light appeared at the top of the cave. Will and I looked down into the water to see hundreds of glistening coins. I raised my eyebrows at the amount. To be honest, treasure wasn't a huge goal of mine; it was meant to secure my legacy and perhaps keep me comfortable as well.
"And you're completely obsessed with treasure." Jack finished. I spotted where the other boats were moored and directed Jack towards it. Once we were close enough, Will jumped out and pulled the boat ashore,
"That's not true, I'm not obsessed with treasure." He contradicted Jack. Jack and I got out and I let the Sparrow lead the way up a small rise.
"You still think that treasure has to be an object," I told Will. Turning around in his comical fashion, Jack pointed at me,
"Exactly; not all treasure is silver and gold, mate."

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