Scabby sea bass

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"So, me and (Y/N) go in and convince Barbossa and his men to come out in their little boats. You and your men return to the Dauntless and blast the ruddy hell out of them. What do you have to lose?" Jack put out his plan, laying his hand on James' shoulder. The commodore was quick to remove it,
"Nothing I'd lament being rid of." I shuffled closer to James and said slyly,
"However, there still is a slight risk for those aboard the Dauntless. Including a soon to be Mrs. Commodore." I watched as James thought it over. Then he signalled to Gillette and gave us a boat. He eyed me,
"You know, I'm not surprised you turned into a pirate." He remarked. I smirked,
"You kinda gave me no choice." I fake saluted him and began to row, Jack sitting behind me. Once we were out of sight, I fished out two padded pouches and handed one over my shoulder to Jack.
"There's only enough for one dose each, so make it count," I explained. Jack opened his pouch and moved away the padding to reveal a small bottle containing a clear liquid. "Oh- and try not to break it," I added. He nodded solemnly, carefully redoing the wrapping. We rowed into the daunting cave.
"Were you really drunk?" I was surprised for a moment by Jack's question. Realizing he was talking about the island, I pursed my lips,
"No." He frowned,
"So it was you?"
"Who did what?" I was slightly confused.
"Who got the idea of getting me drunk? And Elizabeth was the one hurling her guts out?" My eyebrows shot up at this,
"You heard?" He nodded.
"You got most of it right. I did get the idea, but I hadn't planned further than... That. And Elizabeth wasn't the one hurling her guts out; it was me." I confessed, rowing a little faster. We reached the place where the other boats were moored and pulled our own ashore.
"So you weren't drunk- but you were sick? Why?" Jack asked, puzzled. I shrugged. He seemed ready to ask even more questions, so I cut him off,
"By the way; you give good cuddles." I grinned as his face turned beet red and he fell silent. Walking through to where the pirates had gathered; I spotted Will on his knees, neck exposed to the dreaded chest.
"Excuse me. Pardon me. Beg pardon." Jack muttered as he made his way to Barbossa, I followed directly behind.
"Begun by blood- by blood un..." Barbossa spotted us as we emerged in front of him.
"(Y/N)!" Will cried. I gave him a smirk and touched the brim of my hat.
"I'm here too," mumbled Jack.
"It's not possible!" Spluttered Barbossa. I held up my finger,
"Actually, it's-"
"Not probable." Jack finished for me.
"Savvy?" I added for good measure. Good grief, we're like twins.
"Where's Elizabeth?" Will demanded.
"She's safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised." Jack said brightly, "And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word, really. Except for Elizabeth, who is, in fact, a woman." The pirates surrounded us and Barbossa pointed his knife towards Jack,
"Shut up! You're next!" The Bosun slammed his hand on Jack's shoulder while Barbossa pressed the knife to Will's throat.
"I don't think you want to do that," I commented.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure I do." Barbossa retorted.
"Your funeral." Shrugged Jack. I also went silent, casually looking around like a child. Barbossa sighed,
"Why do I not want to do it?" He said begrudgingly. I smiled, striding up to stand on the pile of gold in front of him,
"Because the HMS Dauntless is floating right outside, waiting for your men to come out to their swords and bullets. If you spill the whelp's blood now- I'd say you're bloody in for it mate."
"Exactly!" Jack agreed, slapping away the hand on his shoulder and coming to stand next to me, "So if you'll hear me out, you order your men to row out to the Dauntless. They do what they do best. Bob's your uncle, Fannie's your aunt- there you are with two ships. The makings of your very own fleet. Of course, you'll take the grandest, and who's to blame? But what of the Pearl?" He came closer, "Name me captain. I'll sail under your command, give you 10% of me plunder, and you get to introduce yourself as 'Commodore Barbossa'. Savvy?"
"And I suppose in exchange, you want me not to kill the whelp?" Barbossa spat.
"Oh no, no, no not at all. By all means, kill the whelp. Just not yet. Wait until..." Jack looked Will in the eye, "The opportune moment." Recognition flashed in Will's eyes and he scowled. Barbossa's attitude had shifted to suspicious as Jack scooped up a handful of the coins,
"For instance: after you've killed Norrington's men." He punctuated his words by throwing a coin back in, "Every. Last. One." Will was furious,
"You've been planning this all along! Ever since you learned my name!"
"Yep." Jack quipped. Barbossa weighed the deal for a long while,
"I want 50% of your plunder." I stepped in,
"He'll give you 25 and a really big hat." I enticed, "Commodore." I blinked lazily at him. Barbossa smiled and strode to Jack,
"We have an accord." They shook hands and I let out a silent sigh of relief. All that was needed now was for them to row out.
"Gents- take a walk!"
And of course.

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