Joy comes fast

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I was on the ocean.
Slowly, I walked over to the rail, running my hand on the light timber. I was on a ship. On the ocean. I was sailing.
A whoop of triumph flew from my lips. Ignoring the two men's stares, I gave a little victory dance before grabbing the ropes and scurrying up the sails, continuing my dance when I was on the mast.
"Take that ye scabrous bilge rats! I'm on a ship and there's nothing you can do about it!" I laughed gleefully, "Come all you sailors near and far
You honest men know who you are
All of you who'd dare be free
Combine with us upon the sea
Together we will drink a toast
Ride the wind on down the coast
See the merchant ship to board
Raise a jar and swing a sword
Watch to see the merchant captain crying
When they see the black flag flying!" I swung back down to the poopdeck and continued singing.
"We fight for no one but our class
We're gonna kick some captain's ass
All you who'd live before you die
Come give an honest life a try
Sail beneath the skull and bones
Pay no heed to crowns and thrones
No more greedy princes lying
When you come sail with the black flag flying!" Jack laughed and joined in, meanwhile Will's disgust was evident on his features. I merely gave him the biggest grin I could manage, too giddy to care. I linked arms with Jack and we twirled around, singing all the while. He and I danced throughout the song, feet thumping on the deck. The ship dipped up and down jovially as if sensing her liberation had come. How it all clicked. It all clicked so damn well.
"If I could predict the future then I would
But all I know is this is good
1700 is the year
And there is nothing left to fear
We may live or we may die
Perhaps our destiny is nigh
I don't know what the end may hold
But I know these ships are filled with gold
That was stolen from the poor as we lay dying
So let us sail with the black flag flying!"
Jack laughed and clapped his hands,
"Yer a good egg, lass. What's your name?"
"(Y/N)." I replied, "And I'm sick and tired of wearing garbage for clothes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change." I grinned and grabbed the bag. Heading for the nearest door, I closed it behind me and leaned against the hardwood. Smiling at the ground, I shook my head.
'I'm turning pirate, and I'm happy about it.' I thought. As long as I'm on the sea, that's good enough for me. I pulled off my dirty shirt and caught a glance of my back in the mirror. I grimaced. Let's just say it looked like it hurt. A lot. With a sigh, I pulled on the pants. Seeing as I was associating with pirates, I grabbed some cloth to use as under clothes. Wrapping my chest with the fabric could be difficult to maintain, but it would hold my dignity in place if done correctly.
When I swaggered out in my new attire, Will had his sword leveled at Jack as he stood behind the wheel.
"He was a bloody pirate! A scallywag!" Jack was saying.
"My father. Was not. A pirate!" Will growled. Jack rolled his eyes and yanked the steering wheel, resulting in Will hanging over the water. I raised my eyebrows at Jack, not noticing how his eyes surveyed my outfit. He shrugged and turned to Will,
"Now while you're hanging there, pay attention. The only rules that matter are these:
What a man can do. And what a man can't do.
For instance: you can accept your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't... But pirate is in your blood boy; you'll have to square with it someday. Now me, I can let you drown. But two can't bring this ship to Tortuga,-"
"Savvy?" I finished for Jack. He gave a wide grin as he swung Will back onto the deck.
"So- can you serve under the command of a pirate," he flipped the sword to Will, "or can you not?"
Will slowly took the sword. I clapped my hands,
"Well, that's sorted!" I smiled, moving to get to work.
"What 'bout you lass?" I frowned as I looked back at Jack.
"Who's your family?" I tensed, turned away, and severely tightened a knot.
"Come on (Y/N), we deserve to know." Will- still on the dumb floor-urged, "Tell us the story." I sighed,
"Alright then." Will looked very surprised and scooted to get comfortable. I placed my hands on my hips,
"I was born. The end."
"Talk about a touchy subject," Jack remarked. I just yanked the rope tighter.
"Tortuga?" Asked Will.
"Tortuga," Jack confirmed, whipping out his compass...


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