Prison paradise

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"Here doggy, here doggy." The bedraggled prisoners whistled and cooed to the dog with the keys in its mouth. In the cell next to them sat a dejected Jack Sparrow,
"That dog is never going to move."
"Well excuse us for not resigning ourselves to the gallows just yet!" They snapped, continuing to coax the dog. Jack tilted his hat down and smiled.
Suddenly, the sound of a door opening and chains clanking caused them all to jump. The prisoners scuttled away from the door and acted innocent as I was shoved into the corridor. The guard looked at the two cells, then back at my bedraggled self. With an irritated sigh, he shoved me into Jack's cell. The hard stone and prickly hay scraped my hands and knees, but how would you expect to be treated? With a hot bath and the finest dresses, cuisine, and jewellery in the Caribbean?
Well, hate to disappoint, but that isn't happening anytime soon. This is a prison, you don't get much here - not even a bit of privacy.
I curled onto my side, scuffling to get comfortable. The fresh lashes, only just received, on my back stung like crazy as blood dripped from the wounds, staining my shirt. 
"What the hell did you do, love?" Jack asked. I glared at him,
"I kept myself alive." He held up his hands in surrender,
"Don't worry, I won't judge." My brow knit in confusion and I heaved myself up,
"Really?" The infamous pirate shrugged,
"Well of course. We've all got a bit of an itchy finger, don't we? It's people who don't have all that high-up booty that need to scratch it. Take me for instance," he gestured to his clothing, "Most this here has been nicked. Only thing that's avoided my hand for years is a knife- probably cause I'd much rather get meself a cutlass." He winked. The corner of my lip lifted before being overcome by a yawn. Scuffling around on the freezing bricks, I tried to keep my eyes open, but it was no use. In less than twenty seconds, I was dead to the world on the prison floor.

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