Chapter 18. The Next Step

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FP was at his office the very next day when Gladys paid him a visit alongside his son.

"Boy, why aren't you at school? Gladys, what's going on?"

"I'm only here because she pulled me," Jughead copped an attitude.

That easily turned his attention back to his spouse.

"I did and I wanted to apologize to both of you together and I wanted to give you guys the last thing I got," she claimed. "I was outta sorts last night, I'll apologize to Alice and then I'll be out of here."

"What thing did you get? Gladys, that money was drug money."

"I know, but at this point there are no take backs. I bought it a week ago."


"Will you join me for the drive?" she asked of the two boys.

"Sure," Jughead shrugged.


"How bad can it be?" he interjected over his father.


"Thank you, FP... I still have a few weeks to go before I leave. And the divorce?"

"I talked to Mary and she'll have forms sent over soon."

She nodded.


"Gladys, what are we doing at Alice's?" FP asked.


"This is Ms. S. and Betty's," Jughead added as they walked up the steps.

Just then Betty and Alice came out of the house with a couple boxes each.



The girls stated the names of their boyfriends at the same time.

"Well, this isn't awkward," Jughead waved subtly.

"Just when I thought I did something nice," Gladys cursed herself.

"Let me guess, you're the anonymous buyer?" Alice asked.

"Not knowing," she assured.

"Okay, so you bought this house?" FP had to be sure.

"Yeah, I bought it last week. Things were pretty good with us and then I thought it would be good because it's walking distance from JB's school and obviously Riverdale High..."

"Gladys, the gesture is great. But we can't live here..." FP stated.

"Well, why not?" Alice asked. "Between you and me, I feel safer with you in this house rather than a complete stranger."

"Look, FP, I thought I was helping out considering you'll have both kids plus Betty. I thought a three bedroom would be good," Gladys explained. "Obviously with me gone in the next couple weeks, they'll be more space."

"Well, I guess..." he paused, looking Alice in the eyes. "I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Great!" Alice beamed.

"I'm so confused... So I'm moving my stuff to move back in?" Betty asked. "Should I even pack my room... or should I pack it and make it up at the new apartment?" she asked between the adults.

"No, Betty, keep it the way it is," Jughead intervened.

"Well, what about you?" she asked.

"I like it the way it is. Besides, I don't have enough stuff in order to make a room up for myself," he smirked.

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