Chapter 57. Kidnapped

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The next two weeks would pass by rather quickly and on this Thursday morning, FP and Charles were prepared to investigate and search Thornhill.

Out front of the estate; Betty, Jughead, Archie and Veronica were all out by the Sheriff's cruiser, huddled quite tightly as they were surrounded by deputies and because it was freezing cold.

Five agents stood behind the reporter, the sheriff and their chief, escorting them in and out while also prepared to search the place.

FP was fully dressed in uniform from his hat down to his shoes and he knocked on the door to the creepy mansion.

Moments later, the door opened and the redheaded woman smiled at them. "Oh, I wasn't expecting company." Saying so, she was only wearing a long, black, silk nightgown, a robe and her hair was down.

"We have reason to search the premises," FP stated.

"On what ground?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"This one," Charles held up the warrant and he moved passed his father while guiding his mother in as well, then leading the rest of the agents in to the manor. "Excuse me," he politely stated to her.

"What is this?" she asked the sheriff.

"We've been getting some complaints about you," he mumbled. "Four in particular with very similar and detailed stories," he cocked his head back to the group of teens.

She gritted her teeth at the sight of them.

They only stared at her and stayed quiet.

"Oh, and..." FP spaced off as he smiled at the incoming witnesses.

"Hello, mumsy," Cheryl grinned as she rolled Nana Rose along in her wheelchair.

"Cheryl, you devil child... How did you get involved?" she crossed her arms.

"Well, mommy, you weren't so discreet about hiding your hunting game. Nana Rose was more than willing to turn you in, after what you and Uncle Claudius tried to do to us... Not to mention, the gang of Gargoyles that you sent after Cousin Betty and our friends..."

Nana Rose only cocked a brow at the petite redhead.

"They were more than happy to testify," FP mentioned, gesturing for a deputy to come over and handcuff her. "You are under arrest for conspiracy with two serial killers; the Black Hood and the Gargoyle King, helping a prisoner escape, kidnapping, attempted murder, forcing minors to act in a deadly game with murderous intents... We also believe you to be working with the Gargoyle King, so that means you've been providing the cyanide and enabling children to kill themselves... You are running an illegal brothel. You're also under investigation for the death of Clifford Blossom and Claudius Blossom."

"Wait, wait! Claudius killed himself as I was told," she explained.

"Yeah, with foam coming out of his mouth... Your cyanide. Claudius' name on your list or not, you're still looking at years behind bars, Mrs. Blossom," he paused. "You have the right to remain silent because anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney--"

"I know my rights, Sheriff," she replied.

"Fine... Please, get her in the car," he said before walking inside the house. Shortly after, he met up with his son.

"Sheriff, we found a bunch of that cyanide crap," Charles held up a bag of empty capsules and a bag of powder like substance. "We'll take it down and have it tested---could be something else, but never know."

"Yeah, definitely..." he paused.

Alice soon clung to FP, staying close but not on him as he was working and she was writing notes.

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