Chapter 40. Person of Interest

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Coming home later on in the day, Betty was alone when she entered the house, seeing her mother sitting in the living room, watching the television.

"Hey, mom," the teen came forward and set her keys in the dish on the table.

"Oh, hey, honey. How did everything go? Where's Jughead?" she put the TV on pause and faced her.

"Dr. Curdle Jr. said that dad cut his own hand off as evidence to show for his death. He's really running out there again," she sighed. "This is all my fault," she plastered the palms of her hands into her forehead as she plopped next to her mother.

"Hey, no it isn't," Alice nudged her. "How?"

"He asked me to help with the transfer. I asked him to sign the affidavit, proving that your forged signature wasn't his. In return, he asked to be transferred to Hiram's prison because it has a beautiful view," she rolled her eyes.

"That isn't your fault. It's mine---you would have never had to go to him unless I was doing things the right way. Also, good of you to remind to put your money back into your college fund. I'll do that as soon as possible. Right now, FP is the only one bringing in money, so things are slow, but once I get back to working regularly, I can transfer the money over."

"I appreciate it," she grinned appreciatively.

"My pleasure, it was yours anyways. Did you get ahold of the guard?"

"Yes. I was right about Auntie Blossom," she said annoyed. "She's the one who was visiting dad and she said that she was the one who told him about the Midnight Club. There's the answer to that. So it was either her or Darryl who killed Featherhead because dad had nothing to do with it."

"Well, she blamed Darryl, when all of us parents first started discussing the game's comeback."

"And I'm betting she killed him too. She said he killed himself, but I doubt it. Clifford Blossom supposedly killed himself too, but I doubt that as well."

"Same here, that family is sick."

"Besides that, Jug is with the Serpents, last minute stuff with Sweet Pea and Fangs. Where's FP and have you heard from Charles? I texted him this morning and he didn't answer---shows he hasn't even read it read," she pointed out.

Alice sighed, "FP is with Jellybean---having some one-on-one time since she is a little out of sorts lately. The baby is bring havoc to this house because she isn't great at accepting the reality."

"Jug said, she'll get over it. I know I'm excited."

"I'm glad," she grinned. "Besides that, no, I haven't heard from your brother and I'm honestly kind of worried."

"You don't think he's in any kind of danger, do you?"

"No, but as a mother, of course, I am going a little crazy. I mean, he usually always answers almost immediately. If he doesn't answer by tomorrow morning, I'll call the building he's been stationed at."

She nodded. "So, how are you?" she asked. "How's the little baby?" she kind of rubbed her mother's stomach with her index finger.

She chuckled, "Very blah. I feel like I ate everything today and now I just wanna go to sleep."

"Hey, at least you're eating. So I guess that diet and working out thing is a no go, for the time being?" she teased.

"Yeah, no, not now. But I'll tell you what, ask me in December. New Year resolution will be dropping back down to what I was just a few months ago," she laughed. "Plus I'll be healed and all that good stuff."

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