Chapter 33. Worry

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The next couple months would pass them by; Alice was still on bedrest, but starting to get around more as she normally would because she had to and it was instructed by her doctor to do so. With a small bump for a twenty week belly, she was feeling just the same as she did when she had gotten admitted into Rivderdale General.

Waking up that morning, FP roamed around the room in order to get ready for work, but he noticed Alice wasn't in bed and the bathroom door was shut. Knocking on the door, "You alright?" he wondered.

"Yeah," she stated, sounding worn out. "I'll be out in a minute, give me a second."

"Take your time," he advised. He stayed there in case she needed him, but to him, it sounded as though she was talking from the toilet bowl.

The toilet soon flushed, the water was running and then the door opened.

"You alright?" he asked again, feeling her face with his hands.

"I puked... again," she sighed. "My back hurts really bad, everything feels sore. I think I'm gonna hang out in bed and try and sleep most of the day... I feel awful."

"You don't have a fever, so that's good," he assured. "You don't want to go to the doctor?"

"Not today... If things don't get better by tonight, then I'll go to the hospital or something. I just want to see if some more rest helps," she yawned and started rubbing her eyes.

"You look exhausted," he added.

"I am, I didn't sleep well. Everything kind of hurts... Like I said, rest should do us well and if not, we'll go to the hospital tonight."

"Should I have one of the kids stay home?" he wondered.

"No, no, I'll be fine. If anything, I'll call Charles or an ambulance," she smiled. "Just get ready for work," she kissed his cheek as she moved passed him in order to get back into the bed. Once she settled in bed, she put a pillow between her knees for the sake of her hips---a pillow almost under her back completely so that it was supported while she was on her side---a pillow under her neck, keeping her chest elevated due to her sinuses and of course, she had one to hug in place.

Since she found out she was pregnant, she was way easier on her body than before only because she knew she had to be. Thus far, she had never experienced such a tough pregnancy as far as aches and pains, the light headedness, the nausea---none of it was going away. Although she wanted to blame it on the fact that she was over forty, she had a feeling almost drowning was apart of it.

Even though she had done her own research into the subject; it stated that babies couldn't drown in the womb which was a no-brainer. It was simply hard to get a definitive answer off the web, but she tried and she hoped her age was the only factor because she didn't want her actions to be the cause of something. But above all, she was slightly stressed about it anyway.

FP came out of the restroom and tried to move quietly as he got ready for his day only because she was out like a light and in a deep slumber.

Once he was dressed in his uniform, he came around to kiss her.

When his lips landed on flesh, she got startled and panted as her eyes flew open.

"Hey, it's just me," his hand slid over her tummy, meeting hers as he did so.

"I'm sorry," she sighed. "Have a good day."

"Yeah, you try and have a good day too. I'll visit you at lunch; anything you want to eat?" he wondered.

"I can't think right now. Call me later," she turned over slowly and with as much ease as she could only because it was hard to move.

"Okay," he helped cover her up with the blankets. "Try and get comfortable."

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