Chapter 15. The Crutch

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Alice rushed through the Sheriff's Department, moving passed the people to tell her she couldn't see him without an appointment.

Emerging through the door harshly, "What is this I hear about you not coming to my baptism with the Farm?" she hollered in question, a pretty and form fitting suit on her beautiful figure.

FP arched a brow and he let his eyes roam her up and down.

It had been the first time he had seen her since the encounter she had with Jellybean and he was happy to see she was okay.

"Sorry, Sheriff, we tried to stop her," a deputy came up shortly after. "Truth is, we couldn't keep her out."

"I understand, don't worry about it," he stood from his desk and he ventured over to shut the door, dismissing the man.

"Don't worry about it?" she wondered aloud, restating his words. "Why don't you ever just lock me up?"

"Can I help you, Alice?" he asked, coming back around to face her.

"You miss me, but you don't want to come to the baptism to see me?" she crossed her arms, her eyes rolling in almost a fluttery and sassy way.

"No, I'm not too in the mood to see the woman I love get injured or die in the middle of a baptism, no less," he leaned against the front of his desk, his hands locked in front of him as he spoke to her calmly.

"Well, what is it I hear, that you're not coming because Betty can't come? She already told me she wanted no part of it."

"I'm sure, she doesn't want to see her mother die in the hands of a cult either..." he commented.

"It's not a cult, Forsythe, we've discussed this."

"Sure seems like it to me and to the remainder of normal people in Riverdale. Hell, even Madame Mayor Lodge thinks so."

"She hasn't said anything to Edgar."

"Well, she's a little more concerned with the teenagers playing G and G. The Farm is made up of adults making their own decisions thus far and she's not worried about it. If somebody gets killed, then I'm sure they'll be an investigation."

Getting easily lost within his brown eyes and soft though rugged features, she semi nodded. "How's Elizabeth?"

"She's good. She's um..." he paused, trying to think of something he could deliver. "I mean, she's good, she's alright... Worried about you, but she's fine."

"I know how she likes to get involve in mysteries and such things with Jughead, and as a Serpent Queen, I'm sure she's running the streets at night. Is she passing her classes?"

"Well, I'd like you to know that she isn't running the streets at night, she is involved with mysteries, but she is also studying well and yes, she is passing her classes. Every day, she and Jughead go over to Archie's to help him study for the SATs... They keep busy."

She nodded gently again.

"Why don't you call her? Or come by, say hi."

"I don't particularly want to run into Gladys."

"I wouldn't worry about that," he scratched his chin, being casual about it.

"What does that mean?" she wondered.

"It means, don't worry about her. See your daughter---you're allowed that."

"She doesn't want to see me."

"Why are you making excuses? Of course she does. She misses you and all she does is talk about you and drive Gladys up the wall," he chuckled.

"She does?" she kind of laughed. "What does Gladys say about that?"

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