Chapter 59. Adventures

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FP pulled up in front of Thornhill, his heart beating faster than ever as we walked through the dark and creepy estate.

Easily, he pushed open the front door when he got there and with his brass knuckles on his hand, he ventured through the mansion slowly, searching each room quietly.

After not finding much, he decided to turn back around and as soon as he did, he was hit over the head and he blacked out.

Opening his eyes an hour or so later, his vision cleared within the candle lit room and looked around before making any sudden movements. Just with his eyes and ears, he spotted Lana, the exits, Hal's gun and hood and then eventually Hal himself.

"She took Polly away, she took Betty away... Turned them against me... Now that I have you here, I don't think I'll kill you. You look just like your mom," the venomous man told the baby as he changed her pamper. "I don't know, but I think you'll be my new Alice Cooper..."

FP squinted at the sound of his voice; hearing how crazy, yet enraged Alice's ex-husband sounded.

Soon, Hal got up and the action caused FP to shut his eyes again, just so that he would have a few minutes to gather his plans.

The sheriff then stood once he was alone and he went over to check on Lana, seeing that she was left between to large pillows on the king-sized bed. "Are you okay?" he barely whispered, placing his hand on her tummy.

The baby then smiled at the sight of her daddy.

He then grinned, but quickly spun around, still wearing his brass knuckles thankfully. He moved Hal's gun quietly and he put it in the back of his jeans, not uncocking it only because he didn't want to make any noise and he kept an eye on his daughter from the distance. After taking action, he hid behind the door.

Moments later, Hal walked back in and he became slightly perplexed when FP was gone.

Practically hearing his expression, FP shoved the door in and he hit him as hard as he could. Popping out from behind the area, he didn't hesitate to punch him in the jaw and he knocked him to the ground. "You kidpapped my daughter," he said with gritted teeth. "My daughter!" he yelled at him, pulling him from the collar of his shirt and then slamming him in to the ground.

Hal gained leverage, "She's a living sin," he explained. "All of you are sinners! You got Penelope and Chic arrested and she was helping me! How else was I supposed to get your attention?"

"Could've knocked on my damned door, coward," FP clocked him once more with the brass knuckles, using one swift uppercut to knock him out.

Hal fell to the ground.

FP then backed away, watching him as he walked over to pick up his baby. "You have no idea what kind of fresh hell you just brought on for yourself," he shook his head. "Escaping prison, kidnapping, attempted murder... again," he scoffed. "You and Penelope deserve each other," he muttered to the unconscious man. He then cradled his baby, examining her and making sure she was well while his back was turned.

Hal opened his eyes and he grabbed the gun from the back of FP's jeans and he pointed it at him.

Hearing the trigger, "Let me put her down first," he stated.

"Fine. Do it slowly."

FP obeyed and he slowly set his daughter on the ground, making sure she was comfortable. He then came up slow and in one swift movement, he spun and hit Hal's inner arm, causing it to bend and he pulled the trigger, shooting him in the head.

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