Chapter 44. Homecoming Gift

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After Alice's fainting occured, FP got her back into bed and he decided to call an ambulance because he still felt it was urgent to get her to the hospital in a timely matter, but he was able to wake her before they got there only because he held alcohol to her nose in order to come to.

Now sitting in Riverdale General, Alice was being checked and her doctor was paged only because things looked quite delicate.

"How are you feeling?" FP stood up once the nurses left and he went to sit by her side.

"I don't know... I'm just a little nervous. I've had this off feeling all day and I know I'm probably just overreacting, but I just don't know. Can you text Betty and Jughead for me?" she wondered.

"Um, yeah, give me a second," he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started with a quick update to his son. "Okay, go ahead."

"Tell them; I'm in the hospital--" she stopped. "No, don't tell them that. Betty will just get worried. Okay, tell them; I'm worried about them and just to call us as soon as possible."

"Okay," he agreed.

Just a moment later, Jughead called them back.

"Hey," FP softly answered, his nerves eating at him only because he knew Betty wasn't there and he didn't know what kind of story his son would come up with.

"Hey, put me on speaker so I can talk to Alice," he asked.

"Sure," he pulled the phone away hesitantly.

"Alice, I'm just calling to let you know we're alright. Betty's in bed sleeping right now and I'm working on my story. Are you okay?"

FP arched a brow to himself as the kid spoke; his son was masterful at assuring his mother figure so far.

She sighed, just relieved to hear one of their voices. "I guess, I'm better now. Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're perfect. This getaway, it's been fun... Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Just um... Okay, well, I don't want you to wake Betty, but tell her I love her."

"Will do. Take care, you guys, and tell me if there's anything wrong," he hinted for Alice to explain only because he knew she was in the hospital already.

"Actually, Jug, I'm in the hospital and waiting to checked out... Keep Betty occupied and don't tell her."

"Okay, I won't."

"By the time you're back, things should be back to normal," she explained.

FP pulled the phone away and took it off speaker. "We don't know what's going to happen here," he mentioned to his son. "We're both kind of freaking out. But I'll keep you updated. Remember, don't tell Betty."

"Right, I know. We'll see you later and hopefully soon."

"Okay, bye, son," he hung up and tucked his phone away.

Alice kind of smiled at him, smirking really.


"Nothing, you said you were freaking out... Yet you're so calm, how can that be?" she reached out.

"Believe me, I'm shakin' in my boots," he chuckled as he clutched her hand in his.

She then sighed as she stared uo at the ceiling. "Was it wrong not to tell Betty?" she wondered.

"No, I don't think so," he shook his head. "She'd be really worried... This could be nothing, but your water breaking, that could definitely be something."

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