Chapter 29. Current Conditions

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At Riverdale General, FP stayed at Alice's bedside, but he was back and forth within the room and hall, trying to keep in touch with Jughead as well because he was still worried about Jellybean and the Serpents hadn't yet found her.

Betty sat on the other side of her mom and Charles was in and out.

Since it was a Friday night, Polly ended in getting locked up for having drowned her mother; attempted murder and would be staying there for the weekend or until somebody bailed her.

With the family trying to save their loved one, Edgar managed to get away with Evelyn and a few members.

Charles was in and out of the room, making phone calls of his own, but for the most part, he kept them to text messages as he sat near the exit of the room, nervous for when his mother did wake up.

Alice was connected to an IV drip, there was an oxygen mask on her face and she had an oximeter on her middle finger. Her wrist occupied a couple of bracelets with her name and various information and she was in a hospital gown.

Breathing in through her nose deeply, the woman started to make some movement, fidgeting as she was waking up from her deep slumber. Looking over, she noticed her daughter immediately, "Hi, baby," she said softly, reaching out to touch her hand before shutting her eyes again.

"Mr. Jones?" Betty grabbed his attention. "I think she's starting to wake up."

Charles took a step back only because he didn't want to be seen quite yet.

"Alice?" he turned around and he slid his phone in his back pocket. "Alice, how are you feeling?" he took one of her hands.

"Tired," she claimed in a whisper. "Why... Where am I?" she asked, her eyes not yet resonating with the room.

"Riverdale General," he assured, swiping her hair back. Sighing, "You almost drowned."

"Oh..." she paused. "The baptism..." she recalled.

"Yeah," he said only slightly annoyed.

"I'll give you guys a minute," Betty stood. "Do you need anything, mom?"

"No, thank you," she shook her head.

She nodded and met her brother out in the corridor.

FP took the seat Betty had and he sighed. "I really don't want to fight with you, but how could you go back there?" he asked.

"FP," she said softly. "I went there only to be baptized, just so that I didn't have to go to meetings. Once I was--"

"Alice, I don't want to hear whatever excuse that Edgar came up with, okay? He was trying to kill you, Polly held you under water until you weren't breathing."

"I thought by having the rebirth, it would satisfy Edgar and I wouldn't have to go back. I enjoy talking to him, but then this way he doesn't have to ask me to join the Farm almost every day. I'd be part of it, but I don't have to go to meetings or anything."

He sighed and nodded, accepting what she had to say.

Looking around, "When do I get to get out of here?"

"Couple days... Doctor was running some tests," he claimed. "Your pulse was weak when we brought you in and I guess you fainted from being in shock."

"Charles..." she mumbled. "I saw Charles. Or was I hallucinating?" she wondered.

"No, Alice, you weren't hallucinating. He's here."

"Where is he?" she eagerly asked.

"He's with Betty, but, Alice, how did you know that was him?"

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