Chapter 2. Choices

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"Alright, kids... Pop's is here," FP came into the living room and he pulled food out of the to-go bag.

"Mr. Jones, thank you so much for letting me stay here. I don't mean to put you out and I don't want you to be in trouble with my mom," Betty explained.

"Kiddo, I've been in worst trouble with your mother before," he tried to hold his laugh back. "Don't be mad, but I already called her to let her know."

"Dad?" Jughead complained.

"Now, don't worry," he put his hand up as he popped a few fries into his mouth. "She's okay with it, I think... I don't want to mislead you into thinking that you're staying forever, Betty, you do have to work things out with your mom."

She nodded her head. "Can I be honest?" she asked, clenching the material of her bubble gum pink skirt.

"Go ahead," he gestured.

Jughead put his attention on her and he listened intently.

"I don't like the fact that my mom is a part of Edgar Evernever's cult, Mr. Jones... I get that it's helping her cope, I guess, with what happened with my dad. But I don't get it. I don't go to school for a week after all of this outted and she thought that was a problem." Sighing heavily, "She stopped my therapy appointments and medication, Mr. Jones. I've not been off my meds for years... I can't remember the last time I haven't taken it and I can't remember the last time she didn't force the bottle into my hands," she looked up. "I'm scared of any kind of effects it might have on me. With my dad gone and my mom being all psycho, how am I supposed to get my medicine?"

Jughead rubbed her back, soothing the tears that were forming in her huge blue eyes.

Seeing that there was a real problem, FP let his fingertips rub the stubble of his face as he put his thinking cap on. The last thing he wanted was for Betty to be without a necessary medication. Pursing his lips, he could only think of one way as a Serpent.

Noticing his expression, Jughead looked up at him and shook his head a tad, knowing his father was coming up with something illegal.

"Alright, kiddo, this is what we're gonna do..." FP began. "Tomorrow, we're gonna talk to Principal Weatherbee."

She looked up at him.

"There are plenty of kids in the world who seek help without their parents' knowledge. This is no different and you guys are almost eighteen so, you're of age to make decisions."

"I can be honest, Mr. Jones, and tell them my mom has this sick idea that I'll be fine without my meds. I can even contact my doctor---he said I'm not supoosed to be off of it."

"Of course."

"Well, dad, I'm impressed," Jughead chuckled.

"I'm a gang leader, so just thinking outside the box is usually a good idea."

His son smirked.

"Thank you, Mr. Jones, thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

"No problem," he shook it off as he looked at his phone. "Listen um, I gotta make a quick run..." he stood up. "Promise me you guys study and don't do anything more than that or your mother will kill me," he told Betty.

"We both have a ton of work to do," Jughead assured with a slight smirk. "G&G stuff, newspaper, regular homework."

"Okay, well, then G&G last," he pointed sternly. "I'm not a huge fan of all that you guys are getting into with that," as he threw his leather jacket on.

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