10 years later

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"mommy daddy" Minnie and Leo stand in front of them. "What do my grown up babies want" Ariana looks at them. "do you and daddy still cuddle when you go to bed and sleep" Leo asks making Ariana and Dalton look at each other smiling. "We do." he squeezed her thigh. "cuddling with your mom is the best feeling after a long day"

"why you asking?" Ariana asks confused. "We saw a video of how when you get longer in a relationship you don't cuddle no more" Minnie frowns. "i guess that is true i don't sleep on him no more just close holding each other" Ariana messes with his hair.

"mommy my teacher is real mean" Millie whines "Millie no she isn't you just need to do your work properly. You know she emails us your progress and how your doing" Dalton sighs "I ask mommy not you" she glared. "Hey thats your daddy be kind to him"

"now all of you go to school or clean your room" Ariana looked at them all. Daltom rubbed her back making her smile "i'm stressed" she pouts "what about angel?" "i don't know. just feel that way" she shrugs.

"worm stressing you out?" he rubs her thigh "babe that turns me on stop" she giggles "but a little" she frowns "can't even touch my wife's thigh now" he pouts. "maybe we should renew our vows" she beams looking at him.

"just me and you no one else who can hear" he smiles "it would be so good. please" she begs "of course we can renew our vows" He stood up placing her down on the sofa. "Where you going?"

"to see if Leo wants to go skate" He looks at her "ugh don't let him hurt himself" "I won't angel" he gave her a kiss walking up to his bedroom.

"hey dad" He smiles looking up from the Xbox. "hey want to come skate with me and Dakota" Dalton asks with a smile hoping he would day yes. "Of course dad maybe you can teach me a few tricks" He stood up. "maybe I can grab your things and meet me at the car guess i got
to say goodbye to all my girls"

"dad your annoying" Minnie jumps into her closet as she was getting changed. "who said you could take down your bed" He asks confused "urm mom gave me some money to do my room up" she looks down. "oh she mentioned something about that. I was half asleep. I can help you after i've been skating if you would like. We can paint or wallpaper too" he smiles "your the best parents in the world" she came out dressed in one of her mom merch hoodies and shorts. "this new merch your mom hasn't told me about" He asks "She gave me it before must be"

"Okay lets not do gymnastics in the house and break expensive things" Dalton looks at Millie. "i mean you have practice later don't injure yourself" He kisses her head. "yeah but i want to be thin like momma and Minnie. Minnie does running and it better then me" She frowns "hey lets not compare yourself to mom and Minnie okay. You are the perfect size." He smiles.

"and you" Dalton picks Ariana up. "ahhh" she squeals "i'll miss you" he pouts. "i'll miss you too baby. I'll be here waiting for a cuddle" she smiles kissing his soft lips. "how long does it take to say goodbye to 3 girls dad" Leo giggles "Sorry i just love you all" he put Ariana down. "best get going"

Ariana chuckles walking to Minnie's room. "where are you sleeping tonight" Ariana asks confused "the guest room daddy said it was okay" she looks up "i don't know if i like the idea of you downstairs alone" Ariana frowns "The guest room next to yours and daddy's room" she asks "sure least i know your safe" she smiles kissing her head.

"hey will you and Millie be nice to each other if i have a bath" Ariana asks "i'm always nice to her"

"Daddy maybe you should do something nice for mommy" Leo spoke up sitting down next to him. "what you mean?" he looks at him. "buy her flowers or something. you don't treat her like you used to sure she would love little stupid date idea's you used to do" he smiles "maybe your right. I need to spoil my queen"

"not too much though. Don't want another baby" He adds. "we don't want anymore babies anyway. We are happy with the three we have" He smiles.

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