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Hari is sitting in the living room reading a newspaper while Maha brought him tea complaining "Eshwara (lord shiva).. this girl she has an interview today and still sleeping like a log" making Hari smile.

Maha went to her daughter's room and pulled the blanket down her face and woke her up like an alarm loudly "Sneha get up" but Sneha pulled her blanket back whining.

"If you sleep like this even in your mother in law's home they'll kick you out" Maha scolded making Sneha sit up.

"My husband won't let them" Sneha stretched her hands to her sides.

"Aha! Why won't he?" Maha asked folding the blanket.

"Because I only like two things in this world-one is sleep and the second one is my husband" Sneha smiled making Maha flick Sneha's forehead.

"Stupid girl go and get ready it's already eight'o lock" Maha said making Sneha widen her eyes and run into the washroom as she continued "This girl..when will she learn? Eshwara send someone who can bare her".


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