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The next day Maha woke up and did her morning routine and came out to smell a mouth watering aroma from the kitchen.

'I'm here and Hari is still sleeping Sneha won't get up for another hour then who's cooking in the kitchen?' Maha thought and entered the kitchen only to get shocked.

She ran out to her bedroom and patted her husband shoulder "Hari..Hari.. wake up" sensing his wife's tensed tone he woke up and asked "What happened? Who's in trouble?" taking out the gun from under the pillow.

Maha dragged him to the kitchen while he was looking around and spotted his baby in there working? He turned his head to Maha confused asking silently 'What the hell is wrong with her?'.

Maha went to Sneha who was arranging the dishes into dining bowls and asked "Wow! Smells so good" to which Sneha smiled and started walking out towards dining table with the bowls.

"Baby you aren't ready go get ready it's already seven in the morning" Sneha scolded her dad while he nodded and went to his room.

At seven thirty they started having breakfast and Sneha seems to be in a hurry. Maha signed to Hari nodding towards Sneha. He nodded and asked "Baby how was your trip?"

A beautiful smile touched her face when she thought about the last two days and said "It was so good baby I didn't want leave from it at all".

"So this is one day Ramayanam. Uff..I was so tensed thinking which dog bit you" Maha sighed.

"Umm..No I'll cook lunch from today" Sneha said and Maha shocked while she continued "You see I'll have to cook for my husband anyhow so..why not start from today".

"Wow! My daughter has grown up. Eeshwara finally you heard my prayers" Maha said joining her palms together.

Hari laughed and completed his breakfast but stopped before going "Baby who's the second box for?"

Sneha tensed but said "For me. I want to be strong to work for my workaholic boss after all" making him chuckle.

"Don't ever tease your employer he's the one paying you that means he is equals to god" Maha said hitting the back of her daughter's head.

"You are treating him like a god just because he's my employer what would happen when you come to know that he's your son-in-law?" Sneha mumbled to herself.

"You were saying something?" Maha asked making Sneha's eyes widen.

"Nothing I'm going to work bye Maha bye baby" she said and kissed both of their cheeks before rushing out.

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