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          Sneha got out of the car and tears formed in her eyes looking at their house condition. She looked around and saw her mom sitting near a car and rushed to her.

           Maha saw her daughter and hugged her crying. Arjun and Darshi went to Hari to find out what happened. When they heard the whole story they were shocked.

          "Ma what happened?" Sneha asked wiping her mom's tears.

           "I came from temple and saw someone coming out of our house I tried to stop him but he pushed me onto the road and ran from there. That's when Radha aunty came to help me up and then our house was in flames" Maha said still shocked from the incident.

           "Whoever it was they leaked the gas cylinder and ran" Hari said standing beside Sneha. She hugged him and he kissed her head.

            "Every memory in the house is gone with the house. Where will we even stay now?" Maha asked Hari as he put a hand around her shoulder consoling her.

            "With us ofcourse" a girl's voice said making them turn around.

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