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"Or by any chance are you jealous?" Sneha teased which made Arjun leave her wrists and turned his back while she continued "Oh god! You really are jealous of Darshi?"

"Me and jealous don't fit in the same line Chatter box" Arjun sat down in his chair.

"Right that's why your face turned green" she scoffed.

"Bring me my coffee" he ordered making her eyes widen and run to bring his coffee.

 'Green?Where does she learn all these words?' he thought as she brought him his beverage.

He drank his coffee while dictating his schedule. She couldn't even write a few things with the speed of his words which made her shout "Stop! Why are you in a hurry as if someone is going to kill you?"

"It's my wish and that's tomorrow's schedule since you wasted two hours of my time already. Go to your cabin and Darshi will e-mail your work" he dismissed her.


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