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Sneha jolted up in her bed sweating and breathing heavily. She looked around and sighed when she saw she's still in her room. She drank water from the bottle on the nightstand before going into the bathroom and washing her face then rubbed her face with the towel before going to the window.

She saw the moon and sighed but she still felt restless 'What was that about? Who was in the accident? Why am I feeling scared? God whoever it is please save them'

Mithu, Vaishu rushed into the hospital seeing the news that Arjun was in an accident. The bodyguards led them to the ICU to see Rana and Daya in the waiting room. Both the women were already in tears.

"How is Bunny? Is he alright? Where is he?" Mithu asked crying.

"Attayya (mother in law) he's fine! They just shifted him to ICU thank god he jumped off  the car before it blasted" Rana said.

"When will they allow us to see him?" Vaishu asked.

"After doctors check up" Daya sat down along with the others.

The next morning Sneha decided to meet her best friend since school so she went to the hospital where Priya is working. She called her friend waiting outside the hospital "Hello Priya! Where are you?"

"I have to attend another case why don't you wait in my cabin?" With that Priya disconnected the call making Sneha go inside and sit in Priya's cabin.

"Hello! Yes! I'll inject the poision in his saline. Just transfer the money after you receive my message" a nurse spoke and started walking towards Arjun's room.

Sneha heard this from behind the door and started following the nurse. The nurse went into the room and injected the poision in Arjun's saline. When Sneha saw this she pushed the door making it hit the wall which made Arjun wake up.

He saw the chatter box while she came to him and pulled the saline needle from his hand making him bleed. Then she turned to the nurse and slapped her hard as Priya came to check her patient along with Arjun's family who wanted to see him.


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