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         After checking Darshi went to do his work. Sneha sighed and scolded herself for being stupid when Darshi came. She closed her planner as Arjun completed dictating his schedule and got up taking off his jacket and putting it on chair.

          "Sorry" she said while Arjun walked to her and said "It's okay you can't help it that I'm irresistible" to which Sneha scoffed.

           "God! You are such a narcissist" she said making Arjun tickle her. She laughed aloud and tried to stop him but he didn't until tears formed in her eyes. She was panting holding her stomach in pain due to continuous laughing.

            He caressed her cheek and said "I missed you" to which she gave a gentle smile and held his cheeks in her palms and stood on her toes reaching his lips with her own.

             It wasn't lust it was purely out of love. She kissed him slowly showing how much she missed him with every move of her lips against his. Soon Arjun responded back with the same love she showed him by her actions.


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