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          Arjun was so busy for the whole week he didn't have time for talking with Sneha since he was always on trips with Daya. It's friday and she doesn't even know where he is.

          Sneha was sitting in her cabin typing out the files but her concentration was somewhere else. She didn't even notice Arjun coming into her cabin and sitting on her desk until he shut her laptop.

           Sneha glared at him and ignored his presence trying to do some other work. He caught her forearms and made her stand pulling her between his legs.

           Sneha didn't struggle but didn't spek anything. He sighed and kissed her forehead since he's taller than her even sitting and apologized "Sorry ra. Let's go out this weekend".

            "I can't. You are the CEO and you can do anything but me I'm a normal girl with a police father who'll shoot any boy if they want to date me" Sneha said making him chuckle.

            "Well I'll be the CEO infront of your father for this weekend and your boyfriend after we reach our destination" Arjun said making her raise a eyebrow at his logic.

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