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          Sneha woke up and saw the couch empty. Respecting her inner feminist Arjun slept on the couch. She did her morning routine and showered coming outside the shower stall  in towel which reached her knees.

         "Sne-.." Arjun trailed off as he saw her in towel. She turned around with a cute expression to see him with a shopping bag. She kept her palms on her towel knot which was in the middle of her chest.

         "I..." Arjun cleared his throat and continued "I brought clothes for you. Don't make me wait" with that he went from there with his fist clenched.

         She sighed in relief and rubbed her cheeks which turned scarlet. She opened the bag and took out the things in it. She started getting ready. It took an hour to finally get ready and gave a last look to herself in the mirror before going out.

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