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Arjun turned around only to come face to face with Sneha which made them come close as Sneha said sweetly "Thank you" but then started scolding him "Don't you have manners not to leave a girl on the road alone like that?"

Arjun looked around to see people looking at them and shifted his gaze to her with a raised eyebrow making her narrow her eyes "Don't raise that eyebrow I'll trim it off  in your sleep" Sneha warned pointing her finger at him.

Arjun narrowed his eyes while Sneha was going on ranting and shut her mouth with his right palm pulling her close with his left hand at the back of her head. They were so close and could feel their breaths on each other's faces "Now it's so peaceful. Stop your sound pollution" with that Arjun left her and went to his car leaving her.

Sneha looked around and took a rock from beside the lawn and threw it at him but Arjun caught it without turning back making Sneha widen her eyes while he threw the rock aside and got into his car.


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