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          After the mind blowing kiss in his cabin it took a few minutes to recover for her and go to her cabin. Arjun went to the meeting he was talking on the phone before.

          It was lunch time and Darshi came to her cabin but she didn't join him saying she has work. He warned her to eat and went to have his lunch.

           She took her lunch carrier and went to his cabin. He was still working and didn't notice her coming. She came and shut the computer which made him look up only to see her holding lunch carrier.

          He washed his hands and came out to see her arranging everything on the table before the couch. He sat there while she served the food and gave him the plate. He shook his head and crossed his arms staring at her.

           She sighed shaking her head and fed him with her hands sitting in front of him on the table. He moaned at the taste and complimented her cooking. For every morsel she fed him he kissed her cheek.

            After feeding him she got up to wash her hands but he made her sit in his lap and started feeding her but with spoon. After lunch she washed her hands and saw the time on her watch to see that there's still ten minutes left.

            He made her sit on his desk hanging her legs near his knees as he stood in between her legs with his hands on her waist.

            "What are you doi-" she didn't get to complete her sentence as he kissed her and said against her lips "having desert" and continued kissing.

             Suddenly the door banged against the wall making them jump and look at the door to see Darshi mortified. Sneha got off the desk with her swollen lips and faced Darshi whose jaw was still hanging.

             "Holy shit" Darshi cursed.



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