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           The house was in the middle of the forest which was cute. They went in and Sneha started checking out the house. It has an open kitchen with an intimate open single bedroom with a glass shower in the bedroom itself.

           She looked at it and looked back at him asking "Umm...where is the other room?"

            He gave a lope sided smile and came to her hugging her from behind resting his chin on her shoulder saying "There is no other room except this one".

            Sneha widened her eyes and faced him shouting "What? No..No..I can't sleep with you it's against my own rules and the shower it's glass I can't even bath there" moving back from him.

            "It's not wrong you know. It's not like we are going to do something and I'll be out while you shower" Arjun said non-chalantly.

            "The second part is ok but the sleeping in the same bed with inner feminist never accepts for it" Sneha said.

             "Fine my feminist I'll sleep on the couch but only tonight" Arjun said dismissively.

             "Why is that?" Sneha asked confused.

              "Because I don't want to sleep without my wife" Arjun said making her eyes widen.

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