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          They discharged her in the evening and the couple went to Arjun's... now their room directly. He helped her bath and they fed each other before they finally got into bed.

           Arjun was sleeping with his arms around Sneha as she slept on his chest. He caressed her tummy unknowingly making her smile at him.

           "I was so scared back there. Thought I would loose you too just like Sam. And when Priya told us that you are pregnant the only thought in my mind was what if I didn't react in time? I would've lost you both" Arjun said as Sneha hugged him to her chest tightly.

           "You saved us. We're fine and safe in our home. Everything is over now all we need to do is think about our future with our baby" Sneha said Caressing his hair.

           "Babies. I want two kids" Arjun said making her laugh.

            "Me too now it's already late let's sleep" Sneha said as Arjun snuggled more into her and kissed her hard and long with passion leaving her breathless before sleeping on her chest.

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