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They heard someone talking in the distance and didn't even stop. It was the door banging which brought them out of the kiss breathlessly. They were breathing heavily with their foreheads joined. She opened her eyes and tried to move out of his arms when he pulled her close and hugged her.

"Don't even think about it. I already wasted a lot of time ignoring my feelings. Not anymore" Arjun words made Sneha pull back still in his arms. She looked at him with a tear-stained face and slapped his cheeks lightly.

"Stupid..idiot... " she scolded and hugged him. He tightened his hold around her kissing the top of her head.

"Chala baada petta kada (I made you cry so much) sorry ra" Arjun kissed her forehead. Soon they heard a phone ringing which was Sneha's and attended the call.

"Hel-" Daya cut her off shouting "Where is sir? I didn't even see him. Darshi said he came to the office and where are you?"

"He did come but..why are you tensed?" Sneha asked worried looking at Arjun.

Arjun took the phone form her "What is it?".

Soon his expression changed into anger tightening his grip around Sneha which made her wince inwardly. He closed his eyes and said "I'm coming" cutting the call.

He opened his eyes and stared at her when she asked "What happened?".

"Let's go! There's someone waiting for me" Arjun said and she nodded before started walking out of locker room.

Arjun stopped her holding her wrist at the locker room door. She turned to him with a questioning gaze but soon smiled as he pulled her close and hugged her.

"Whatever is to come I need you like this with me by my side" Arjun said.

"I'll always be by your side in every step of yours until you give me a reason not to" Sneha said pulling back.

"I'll never give a reson for you to leave me" he promised pecking her lips.




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