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          After the wedding, the audience went off in a boat leaving the couple alone on the island. Sneha was avoiding his gaze and suddenly felt herself being weightless as Arjun lifted her into his arms.

           Her arms went around his neck as he carried her to the house. He put her down on her feet once they reached their bedroom actually the only place with a bed. Sneha was looking at her feet as Arjun neared her taking the garland off his neck then hers without touching her.

           "Look at me" he said in a soft command but she didn't. He caught her chin between his thumb and index finger lifting it so she could finally look at him.

             Once their gazes met it was as if all the insecurities, threats and problems has disappeared. Sneha cupped his cheek with her palm and he leaned into her touch kissimg her palm which sent shivers to her body.

              She hugged him tightly as he breathed her in making him dizzy with her scent. She raised her head to look at him with her palm still on his cheek. He dipped his head down and kissed her lips softly.  

               Soon it deepened and he started walking towards bed making her walk back along with him. They both fell on bed and rolled in it still in each others tight  embrace.

               They pulled back breathless and Sneha was on top of him. She kissed his forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and continued down his neck which made Arjun groan leaning his head back on the bed.

                She kissed his bare chest and said those three words which he longed to hear from a long time "I Love You" and gave a hard long kiss on his heart.

                 He growled and turned her onto her back and kissed her back with his hands taking off the ornaments throwing them down. Soon their clothes followed as they made passionate love under the shining moon which hid itself behind the clouds embarassed as they reached their new heights of ecstasy.



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