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           He lifted her in bridal style and made her sleep on bed. He slept beside her pulling her to him and hugged her close. She cupped his cheek and kissed him making him wild. She pulled back when they were breathless.

            "I love you" She whispered and pecked his nose. He smiled closing his eyes and hid his face in the crook of her neck making her narrow her eyes continuing "You are blushing".

           "Shut up" he said and snuggled more making her shout "India Alluarjun is blushing" to which he rolled her onto her back and kissed her roughly.

           "I'll make India hear you scream tonight" he said biting her neck making her wince and moan. He switched off the lights and covered them in sheets.

            Sneha woke up as the sun rose in the sky spreading it's rays through the window and into their room. She saw Arjun sleeping on her with his cheek pressed against her chest. She caressed his hair making him smile and kiss her on her heart.

            He rolled on his back taking Sneha with him. His left arm was around her and other one caressing her cheek. Her hair was hanging loose touching his chest making him tickle.

             She kissed his forehead and said "Good morning" to which Arjun smirked and trailed his fingers downward. She tried to stop him but he caught her hand at her back with his other hand.

              He started kissing her neck as she moaned "I need to go someone might come" as Arjun left her hand she caught his shoulder as he continued sucking her torso while she ran her fingers through his hair making him groan.

               The knock at the door startled her and tried to pull back but Arjun caged her in his arms hugging her tightly to him and continued his work on her chest with his mouth along with his hands working their way on her skin.

              "Arjun..Arjun.." Mithu called knocking on the door.

              "Ar...jun" Sneha moaned when he reached a certain part with his hands. He kissed her open mouth as his hands were working their magic. The knocks on the door became harder and Mithu's voice tensed.

              "Arjun...leave me Aunty is out and I hear other voices too. Ple..ase" She requested against his lips.

              "Fine..I will. What will you offer?" Arjun asked looking at her face.

              "I offered everything of mine to you what else do you want?" She asked squirming because of his hands.

               "Not everything. I'll take it when time comes. Promise me you'll give it to me" Arjun asked seriously.

                "I promise" She whispered and he kissed her long and hard on her mouth and left her sleeping on his pillow. She got up covering herself with the blanket and took her clothes before rushing into her room from the joint door.

                 He smiled and got dressed moving to the door. He opened his door to see everyone concerned and asked "Why are you knocking like some hurricane has come?".

                 "Hurricane? Stupid you weren't opening the door at all we're so tensed thinking that something happened to you and about to break the door" Vaishu scolded hitting his head.




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