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Sneha was sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest leaning her cheek on her palms which were on her kneecaps thinking about yesterday.

She was so sure that he has feelings for her but ignoring them. WHY? That's the first thing to find out. And she can never take Sam's place in his life and she didn't want to either because she can love him in her own way. All she needs to do is encourage him to fall in love again with everything and everyone he has.

Arjun was sitting in his cabin going through files when Sneha came in saying "Good Morning" joyfully with a full grin which made him narrow his eyes.

'What has this chatter box planned now?' he thought.

"Dont worry I didn't plan anything just doing my work of taking care of you" Sneha answered his inner thought making him raise his eyebrow.

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