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 Sneha stopped when she felt something or someone holding her back. She turned around knowing who stopped her and shouted "Leav-..." but something pressed to her lips stopping her words before they could escape her mouth.

She widened her eyes when something moved against her lips and gasped when she realised... that something is his lips. He took her face in his palms and started kissing her pouring out every feeling he ignored since he met her.

She stood there immobile not responding to him which he noticed and turned her back to the wall and deepened the kiss connecting them in many more ways which made Sneha come out of her trance and started hitting him on the chest.

But he wasn't the one to give up easily and continued kissing her even more heatedly which made Sneha cry all the frustration and pain. She caught his collar and started responding back with everything she has which made Arjun palms leave her face and went down to her waist.

He pulled her impossibly close and lifted her feet off the ground while her hands went around his neck her fingers running through his hair and kissed him back passionately.

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