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Arjun stood looking outside the glass wall with his right hand in his pocket and drinking coffee with left hand as the cabin door opened making him turn around.

"Sir it's time for your meeting" Daya his manager informed him. Arjun put the cup aside and buttonned his jacket moving outside.

Sneha just arrived at AA groups for her first job interview. She looked at the building raising her head towards the top. She read the logo on the building and closed her eyes.

She sighed smiling and started walking towards the building when a car sped in her direction making her eyes widen but something hit her from the side making her close her eyes.

She opened her eyes to look into the dark brown almost black eyes making her breath hitch as she stared into those eyes like she could see the whole world in them as the car sped off not even stopping to check if she was injured or not.

Arjun shook her lightly with narrowed eyes but this girl is still staring at him like he's her favourite choclate. He got angry and left her making her fall onto the ground.

"Ouch" Sneha winced holding her back coming out of her lala land. She looked at the person who left her only to see him walk away from her.

"Oh hello..brown eyes" Sneha called making him stop in his tracks.


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