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After the party they went back to the hotel. They were tired and exhausted so soon they retired to their rooms. The next day Arjun was drinking coffee when Sneha came out with a sling bag and a cream coloured jacket.

She was cute in it and Arjun raised an eyebrow asking silently to where she..or they are going since Darshi joined her in the living room.

"We are going sightseeing. Don't wait for us we'll be late tonight" she answered and they both went to open the front door when Arjun called.

They turned to see Arjun covering himself with a jacket and Darshi understood while Sneha hid her smile. She even took photos for her album. They went to many places and started tasting different foods. Sneha and Darshi were enjoying a lot until the evening. They went to a farm house in the outskirts which was a beautiful place with farms and cattle and a lake nearby.

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